Tuesday 10 April 2007

I'm starting to get a tad more comfortable with the blogging process, although spacing and the editing function seem to have a mind of their own. Hopefully, as it and I become more familiar my post layouts will improve.

Similarly, the fear of 'going public' and showing my limited skills is lessening. Quite how much of myself and my life I will feel comfortable to reveal remains to be seen. I suspect it will trickle out in dribs and drabs. But I realise from reading blogs that I'm fascinated to know more about the people whose amazing creativity fills my screen and soothes my soul each morning before I face the daily grind.

The fact that I'm posting so much at the moment is because I'm on leave from work. Aside from two days taken up with family commitments, I have the rest of this week to devote to Erica's quilt, and blogging the process. Do I sound happy? You bet!

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